Liebster Award time!


Here’s my Liebster Award!

A huge, huge, HUGE thank you to Anjana Pradeep for nominating me! You’re the best, Anjaaaaana! ❤
Check out her awesometastic blog here. She’s an amazing writer so all of you should definitely visit her page soon!

Now, here are a few things you need to follow to complete the nomination for this award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their page(s) in your post.
2. Proudly display the award banner on your page.
3. List eleven facts about yourself.
4. Answer the questions the award-giver asked you and make 11 more for your nominees.
5. List your nominees.

So, 1 and 2 are done! Time for 3! 😀

Hmm, eleven facts about me…

1. I absolutely love insects! I mean, they’re just so damn cute! 😀
2. I can’t live without good food. Food is my soulmate. Please don’t separate the two of us 😛
3. I’m a huge introvert. Put me in a group of new people and watch as I slowly crumble and self-destruct in a corner but ask me to address a group of people and you’ll see me shining like a diamond! 😀
4. I’m a Science student. And diamonds don’t shine. They refract light. 😛
5. I’m a Grammar Nazi. No misspelling or grammatical error escapes my cynicism.
6. I’m a sucker for lame jokes and puns! I bet you did nazi that coming. :’)
7. I want to contribute in some way to society in my life. It might be the smallest thing but I’ll definitely do anything I can.
8. I stick to my beliefs no matter what. You can’t make me do anything that’s against my principles unless you prove to me that I’m grossly wrong. Even then, I might only budge.
9. From the above statement, you can see that I can be quite stubborn at times 😛
10. I LOVE books. You’ll always find me with my nose buried in one. Favourite authors would be Jefferey Deaver, Dan Brown, Khaled Hosseini, Jeffrey Archer and many, many more.
11. I am pro-cotton. I mean, come on. You’ve got to admit that it’s the best material to wear in any and every weather! There’s the problem of ironing though. 😛

It’s time to answer her questions!

1. What inspires you?
The world, literally. Today I’ll be looking at a beautiful painting and I’ll be writing about it or trying to recreate it tomorrow!

2. Your biggest dream?
To become successful in life. I don’t mean successful monetarily. I want to be a good person, a role model.

3. Where do you see yourself in 3 years time?
More college >.<

4. If you were allowed to make ONE miracle happen, what would it be?
Hmm…this is a toughie. But if I absolutely had to choose, I would rid the world of crime against women-be it rape, domestic abuse or foeticide.

5. What are you most insecure about?
I lead a pretty good life, almost perfect, I would say. So I have nothing to be insecure of right now.

6. What are you most secure about?
My closest friends and family. The might give me a good scolding now and then when I deserve it but I know they will be by my side no matter what.

7.What is your take on ‘true love’?
It's real. True love actually happens.

8. If you had to give up one of these two, which one would it be? Reading OR Writing?
That's easy! Definitely, writing. If I can't read my own work, what's the point of writing? 😛

9. Your favourite quote, And why is it special to you?
"At last she makes her choice. She turns around, drops her head and walks toward a horizon she cannot see. After that she does not look back anymore."-And the Mountains Echoed, Khaled Hosseini

I feel this quote is special because it happens to many a person. Many people find themselves facing difficult choices where they sometimes need to take the option that goes against society’s norms and maybe their own principles, just to protect what is most valuable to them.

10. Describe your perspective of life in 3 words.
Vast, green countryside.

11. Who is your favourite disney character? and why? 🙂
Noooooo. You cannot ask me to choose just one. </3 They're all so perfect in their own little ways! ❤

Question time! Here are my questions for you:
1. What is your favourite kind of food?
2. What is the biggest social injustice in this world according to you and why?
3. What is your deepest, darkest secret?
4. What is your biggest fear?
5. If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would you change and why?
6. Friends or family?
7. Have you ever experienced peer pressure? When?
8. Describe the perfect place (real or imaginary).
9. What is your biggest aim in life, your biggest dream?
10. Describe yourself in three words.
11. What are your 5 biggest pet peeves?

Here are my nominations!
1. Seasons of Sahaana
2. Everything Under the Sun
3. Light, Darkness and Life
4. Social Psychopath
5. Pink is the Wildest Colour

Thank you all for the love!
The befuddled mortal ❤

9 thoughts on “Liebster Award time!

  1. theadisolanki says:

    Hey. I did not expect getting nominated for an award on WordPress but thank you for nominating me. I am surprised and also doubtful about being deserving to be nominated. Anyway, thank you. The nomination did motivate me. 🙂

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